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Knowing when it's time to consider seeing a specialist can be quite difficult, especially if you've never tried psychotherapy before. You may be worried that the problem is not "serious enough", even though you feel the need to talk to someone. Perhaps friends and family keep asking you to get help, but in spite of recurring low points, you feel that you can (or have to) "somehow deal with it on your own". However, both can be important indications that it may be time for you to arrange an initial consultation with a psychotherapist.

Reasons for starting psychotherapy may include:

  • Acute crises (e.g. caused by serious illness, death of a close person or a beloved pet, unemployment, separation, accident, birth of a child or other major life events)

  • Persistent pain, sleeplessness, dizziness or other physical complaints for which no physical cause can be found

  • Anxiety or panic attacks

  • The feeling that everything is too much

  • Feeling  "too sensitive for life" and constantly overwhelmed by emotions and stimuli (Highly Sensitive Person - HSP)

  • Feeling sluggish and lethargic most of the time

  • Tormenting thoughts that you are afraid to talk about (e.g. feelings of shame, guilt, hatred, etc.)

  • Wanting to get to know yourself better

  • Recurring problems and patterns (e.g. in relationships)

  • Persistent restlessness, irritability, lack of concentration etc.

  • Feeling stuck in a situation

  • Feelings of being "different" or "wrong" and not fitting in anywhere

  • Compulsive behaviour (e.g. washing, repetition, obsessive thinking, etc.)

  • strained/toxic relationship

  • ...

How does the initial consultation work?

Arranging a first meeting can be done by phone or email, it is up to you. For some people it is important to get an impression of the therapist over the phone, for others it's easier to write an email.

The purpose of the initial consultation is to get to know each other. Is this the right therapist for me? Am I the right therapist? The important thing to remember is that there is no issue that is not serious enough and you don't have to worry about "taking someone else's place".

In the first meeting I will inform you about the general conditions of psychotherapy (duration, costs, frequency, confidentiality, cancellation policy, etc.), but of course there will also be enough time for you to talk about your concerns. I really understand that it can be challenging to talk to a stranger about things that you may not have shared with anyone before, so it is up to you how much you want to tell.

After the first meeting we will decide if and how to proceed. You can either take some time to think about it or decide straight away if and when you want to have another session. It's okay to have initial consultations with more than one therapist and then decide who you feel most comfortable with.


Person Centered Psychotherapy

Many different therapies are licensed in Austria, which makes choosing the right therapist even more difficult. My personal belief is that the fit between client and therapist is more important than the type of therapy. But at the same time, I am equally convinced of person-centred psychotherapy, because it corresponds deeply with my attitude towards people.
The person-centered approach was developed by psychologists and psychotherapists Carl Rogers (1902-1987). It assumes that every human being has an innate tendency towards self-realization and perfection (the so called Actualization Tendency). In a safe environment - as should be the case in psychotherapy - this leads to further development and maturation of the personality. The important thing is that you remain an expert for yourself and your life. The therapist should meet you with empathy, unconditional positive regard and authenticity. All in all, person-centred psychotherapy sees the relationship between client and therapist as the most important factor in enabling the client to grow personally and deal with crises in a positive way.

Personzentrierte Psychotherapie


According to §15 of the Austrian Psychotherapy Act, psychotherapists are subject to an absolute duty of confidentiality. This also applies after the end of psychotherapy.


Couples therapy

'If we have to go to couples therapy already, then there is no point in the relationship anyway.' This is how many people react when their partner suggests couples therapy. But this is not the case at all. Most couples start couples therapy when it is almost too late. But why even let it get that far?


Couples therapy is a wonderful way to get to know yourself and your partner better. Why does his/her behaviour upset me so much? What does it have to do with me? Why do I have similar experiences in every relationship? The couples therapist is not an arbitrator in this process but strives to be impartial. This is by no means about not arguing in the therapy session - quite the opposite. Together it is possible to identify relationship patterns, to slow down the process, which otherwise takes place in seconds, and to better endure tensions. And maybe after a while, it is possible to react differently than before. The person who usually leaves the room during an argument manages to stay. The person who usually goes on a rampage and chases after their partner manages not to do so. And maybe, at some point, it is even possible to see together what it is all about.


Duration and cost

A one-to-one session lasts 50 minutes and costs €110. Sessions ideally take place weekly or every two weeks. The purpose of the initial consultation ( 55€, 50 min)  is to allow us to get to know each other and clarify organisational matters, and is not a commitment to start therapy. 

In couples therapy I usually do 90min sessions (200€per unit)

Individual therapy may be subsidies by the Austrian social security system (ÖGK currently €28.93, BVAEB and SVS €40). In order to apply for this, you need to obtain a "Bestätigung der ärztlichen Untersuchung bei Inanspruchnahme einer psychotherapeutischen Behandlung" (from a general practitioner or specialist) before the second session at the latest - i.e. after the first consultation. For more information, see If you have private health insurance, you may be able to submit the costs there as well.

Cancellation regelation

Cancellation is free up to 24 hours before the appointment. As I try to schedule my appointments to avoid wasted time, I reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee equal to the hourly rate in the event of a last-minute cancellation or no-show.

Why Psychotherapy... 

... if I can also talk to friends and family members? If you the time to think about who you feel most comfortable talking to about your feelings, thoughts and behaviours, you'll probably find that the person who comes to mind is the one you feel least judged by and most understood by. We are all familiar with feeling "wrong" and "not good enough". Most of our friends and relatives probably want the best for us, but do not realise that with all their well-intentioned advice, they are transferring their own feelings, desires and motives (...) onto us, and that we sometimes feel even worse after a conversation than before. Common phrases include 'You can't always take it like that', 'You can't always take it so personally', 'You need to grow a thicker skin'. This is well-intentioned, of course, but it often doesn't make us feel understood.

Some of us have people in our lives who don't judge and really understand us. However, many people feel compelled to put on different masks in order to avoid attracting attention and to maintain the appearance that all is well. Often these masks have been with us for a large part of our lives. A psychotherapeutic relationship should give you the opportunity, in a professional setting, to experience how good it feels not to be judged, and thus to embark without risk on the journey to your 'true self'.

Warum Psychtherapie?
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